RSS, Sitemap and Robots


Franklin automatically generates a sitemap for your website which you can adjust as required. By default, the sitemap will have an entry for every page on your website, with a default priority of 0.5 and a change frequency set to monthly.

For a given markdown page (extension .md) you can change this by setting the following page variables:

  • sitemap_exclude: set it to false to remove the page from the sitemap,

  • sitemap_changefreq: the change frequency, it can be one of ["always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "never"],

  • sitemap_priority: the relative priority of the page compared to other pages (a value between 0 and 1).

So for instance you could have in your markdown:

sitemap_changefreq = "yearly"
sitemap_priority = 0.2

For a given html page (extension .html) you can also specify these options using the hfun sitemap_opts:

{{sitemap_opts yearly 0.2}}

or to exclude the page from the sitemap

{{sitemap_opts exclude}}

Note that you can also disable the sitemap generation completely by setting the global page variable generate_sitemap to false in your


Franklin supports generating an RSS feed for your website which you can adjust at will. This is only supported for pages with a markdown source for now and you must define the rss or rss_description page variable which will contain the short description corresponding to the RSS entry for instance:

@def rss = "This page is about XXX and YYY."

Click here for more details on the page variables related to the RSS feed.

Note that you can also disable the rss generation completely by setting the global page variable generate_rss to false in your


Franklin automatically generates a robots.txt file for your website which you can adjust as required. By default, the file will contain a link to your sitemap, if one is generated, and no page will be disallowed to robots.

For a given markdown page (extension .md) you can disallow it by setting the page variable robots_disallow_this_page to true, you could have in your markdown:

@def robots_disallow_this_page = true

You can also disallow folders by setting the global variable robots_disallow to a vector of folders like ["folder1/", "folder2/"] in your To disallow the whole website, you can set robots_disallow = ["/"].

Note that you can disable the generation of the robots.txt file by setting the global variable generate_robots to false in your